Asset Management

Building upon the expertise and experience acquired in more than 20 years of activity, Asja provides asset management services to biogas and PV plants owners.
Our goal is to ensure the maximum return on investment by offering a full plant management package.
Our strong points
- in-depth technical know-how and high professional standards
- widespread presence on the territory
- excellent market positioning
- innovative management and reporting software
- guarantee of creditworthiness for investors (Banks, Funds, Leasing companies)
O&M + Management of PV systems
- 24/7 emergency technical service all year round
- remote and on-site monitoring of plant performance
- ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
- scheduled checks of all electrical and structural elements
- cleaning of modules and grass mowing
- sale of electricity
- management of relations with the National Grid Operator- GSE – and the Grid Manager
- management of relations with the Customs Agency
- management of relations with local bodies/authorities
- legal, tax, and accounting support
- insurance consulting services
O&M + Management of biogas plants
- full service management of landfill biogas/biomass plants to ensure the continuity of energy production
- remote and on-site monitoring of plant performance
- scheduled ordinary/extraordinary maintenance for all plant sections
- 24/7 electrical/mechanical emergency repair service all year round
- management of all legal, administrative and environmental obligations
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