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The goods and services purchased by the Asja Group represent a significant part of our project budgets and are therefore considered a strategic area by us. For this reason, we consider our suppliers and contractors as partners and key players in the success of the Asja Group.

The Asja Group is committed to initiating, maintaining and improving a mutually beneficial, trusting and long-term relationship with all suppliers who prove capable of adding value to the services we provide to our stakeholders and customers.

We regularly organize open and fair tenders to select suppliers from all over the world and work hard to offer them equal business opportunities.

Our supplier management system focuses on the continuous development and improvement of our list of approved suppliers and is inspired by the following principles:

  1. Structured approach to the qualification of our partners.
  2. Compliance with laws, code of ethics and commercial transparency.
  3. Constant monitoring of performance.
  4. Timely feedback in case of deviation from expectations.

We classify potential suppliers based on:

  • Ability to meet technical, economic, financial and organizational requirements.
  • Quality management system.
  • Health, safety and environment (HSE) management system.
  • Compliance with labor laws and all other legal requirements applicable to the performance of their business.

We also promote self-application from partners who are interested in getting in touch with us and presenting their goods and services.

Self-application can be submitted via our supplier qualification portal, which involves registration and filling out a series of information and questionnaires.

The supplier qualification portal is the first mandatory step towards supplier qualification at the Asja Group. The process can continue with the request for additional supporting documents and with one or more evaluation visits.

The portal will allow the potential supplier to present their organization, their facilities, their products and services and, in the event of a positive evaluation, to be included in the Asja Group Supplier Register and therefore be invited to participate in our tenders.

For the success of the Asja Group and for the improvement of its suppliers, the performance of suppliers will be monitored at every stage of the relationship, i.e. during the qualification process, the tender, the negotiation of the contract, the execution and the closing of their performance.

Punctuality, quality, flexibility and collaborative attitude are the aspects that we appreciate most in our relationships with suppliers.

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